Patricks Sad Story part 2

                                     The Sad Story of Patrick Troy - Part Two ( Anthony Laffan)

The culprit Troy, was not only a husband, but a Father,the father of five children, and had for some time been a householder in Sydney. The anguish attendant, on the last parting meeting between this wretched man and his wife and children ,is said to be indescribable.Troy expressed a wish, that neither his wife nor his friends,should be witness to his disgraceful death. Bradley was a man of good education, he once resided at Parramatta, where for several years, he was Clerk on the bench of Magistrates, and maintained a fair reputation. Intemperance however, appears to have got the better of his other qualities. What he had aquired by honest industry, he frequently dissipated extravagantly, and of late it, was remarked, that his soul dependence for support, rested on the small and precarious profits he obtained,  by writing petitions , memorial and the likes.For which by all accounts, he was well adapted. His race however was run. On his Trial he spoke well, his defence was delivered in an audible and firm tone.He protested his entire innocence of the crime for which he had been tried and convicted. Troy and Bradley, from the  moment of conviction, never dreamt of a respite - they expected nothing short of the rope. Some others of the unhappy criminals, were a little more sanguine, and hoped that mercy would be extended to them This was the case of Henry, who was sentenced to die for stealing a Heifer. The unhappy criminal, it is said, fondly hoped that the dreadful sentence would be averted. This impression on his mind,  seems to have been founded on the circumstance , that for five years past, no criminal had been hung for Cattle stealing , with the exception of Curtis, whose case was marked, by circumstances of an agravatted character. But as the hour of execution drew nigh, those who have indulged in hope of mercy, gradually declined into resignation. The exhortation of their Clergyen,were not lost upon them. The nine cuprits appeared in the execution yard at 10 minutes past nine o'clock.Six of the culprits were catholics, and were attended by the Rev. Power. The Rev. Dr Lang attended the others. Having prayed and continued with their Clergymen, for some minute after entering the execution yard,the nine culprits were placed in a line, on the Drop Board.  Bradley was the only one who made the effort to address the throng beneath him. he spoke of his former respectable course of life, contrasting it with the diagonal situation, in which by yielding to the evil suggestions of fellows, he was then placed in and continued to, this being an example to others placed in any way to err from the paths of integrity. Soon the executioner withdrew the spring , so holding the fatal Drop Board. The culprits fell to the length of their ropes, and after some moments of struggle,ceased to have any concern with the affairs of this world. After being suspended the usual time,the nine bodies were lowered and positioned into the coffins laying beneath. Bradleys body being taken away by his friends for burial. (And Troys Body taken for internment by some of his friends.) Six of the nine men executed , were Catholics, attended by Rev. Powers.It appears that Patricks wife Elizabeth, did have a service said for him at St Marys. It is not sure where he is buried. The prison was located down near the Rocks. There is a plaque near the Regent hotel, stating that this was the site of the early Gaol. He died in the same year as Sarah Hanks, another GGG Grandparent. Francis Spencer ended his life in Melbourne in 1850-1851. It seems that his body was never found and that he left many unpaid debts. Patrick had a sad end for  man who was an obvious battler, trying his best to support a large young family.

The Report of the Execution, from the Monitor, 25/10/1828

Monday forenoon last, presented the spectacle, of no fewer than nine criminals being led to Execution for their crimes. The names of the culprits were as follows; John Quigley, house robbery and putting the inmates there in bodily fear,Samuel Clarke, for the same crime. William Welsh, shooting at a Mr George Barber with intent to kill him after robbing him. Patrick Kegney, burglary, Joseph Spicer and James Tomlin, same. James Henry , stealing one Heifer. Patrick Troy and Joseph Bradley, forgery. A great concourse of persons, collected together on the Rocks, overlooking the rear of the Gaol. Great interest prevailed among all classes to witness the exit of one of the infortunate, Mr Bradley , a man of good family and connections in London and brought up in affluence, but always a dissolute character.The criminals were attended by Messes Cowper, Lang, Power and Mansell. Three of the culprits professed to be Catholics, and were assisted by Mr Power. The other six were attended by other ministers. The scaffold has been enlarged to make space for the nine ropes being fixed at a proportional distance from  each other. In the midst of the devotions, the Sheriff gave the signal to the executioner to proceed with his duty. The chords with which the unhappy men were bound, were tightened.

The Sheriff then read the warrants for the whole nine criminals, which specified that, their execution take place between nine and eleven o'cloc, that morning. Attested "by order of me, Francis Farlor, Chief Justice". It now being 10 o'clock, the Sheriff intimated to the ministers, that the culprits must ascend the platform. The ministers accordingly did so, first renewing their exhortations, to the hapless beings, now just about to appear in the dread presence of the creator.After about a 1/4 of an hours further prayer, one of the culprits, Bradley , spake something to Dr Lang, who was reading to him, and then stepping one pace forward, addressed the Sheriff and asked permission to say a few words. This the Sheriff immediately asserted to; Bradley then spake nearley as follows.; "My fellow men, i am now about to suffer for the crimes of which i have been convicted. I now own the justice of my sentence. I acknowlege that i deserve death. I have deserved it indeed long ago, but it is only now that justice has overtaken me. Mine, i can assure you, has been a life of continued sin and crime, but i thank God, it had been  no worse.I lie contented, my mind has been prepared for this solemn scene ( here the culprit seemed affected ) My friends, it is generally expected, i know on occassions of this kind, that men should make an open avowel of all their errors through life. It may well enough to do this, but there are powerful inducements for me not to act. I once held a place of credit. I was Chief Clerk to the Parramatta Bench of Magistrates. I then had an opportunity from the confidence reposed in me, to indulge in crime almost without inpunity, at all events with little fear of detection. I have been guilty of many crimes, of the same nature, of that for which i am about to suffer, but i will not reveal names or incidents. What i hope is, that those who are aware of what im alluding to , will benifit by my sad fate, and be at length convinced that honesty is the best policy for all mankind. My friends , all i have now, i beg of you, and this is the request of a dying man, that you will offer up your prayers to the Almighty, to have compassion on us all and to save our immortal souls.". The wretched man then closed his eyes in mental prayer; presently after, the cap was drawn over his face, as well as those of his fellow sufferers. The ministers took their leave, recommending them to the mercy of God in their extremity, and decended the Scaffold. The platform the fell and the unhappy wretches were launched into a dread eternity. They struggled , but little,Troy died instantaneously, there was not the slightest movment in his body. Bradley was convulsed for some seconds, the others exhibited but little animation. The bodies, after having been suspended the usual time, were lowered down and supended in the coffins. Bradleys body was conveyed away in a hearse. Troys was also taken away for internment. The others ,having no relatives in the Colony, and being originally prisoners of the Crown, were interred in the burial ground, in the usual manner. Troy was formerly a Constable in the Police. He had left a Wife and five children. He was always taken aforetime to be an honest, sober, and industrious man.His conviction of such a crime therefore, afforded suprise to those who knew him.

Thus ended the short life of Patrick Troy. He obviously had earned , not only the respect of his friends, but each newspaper report wrote compassionately of him, alone of the nine. 

Anthony Laffan